Case Study
Website Redesign for DRNC, Raleigh
- Accessible
- Responsive
- Modern
- Custom
- Easy to Edit
- Robust
Website Redesign for North Carolina’s Protection and Advocacy Organization.
Disability Rights North Carolina (DRNC) is the federally designated protection and advocacy organization for the State of North Carolina.
Disability Rights North Carolina asked CH Web Agency to rebuild DRNC’s nonprofit website. The goal of the project was to increase backend website speed, improve responsiveness, and update the design to be more accessible. Additionally, DRNC needed an easier way to add new content to the website. CH Web Agency created an improved website design based on DRNC’s existing branding, resulting in an improved website architecture that was more responsive and accessible.
Embedded Donation FormFiltersIntake FormNews & EventsNewsletterResource LibraryDesign
ResponsiveWCAG AATechnologies
CSSJSPhPWordPressImpressive by Design
Our websites are designed to look great across browsers and devices, including on phones, tablets, and computers.
